Wednesday, April 19, 2023

30 More

I knew before going to the doctor that I was under 240 but I didn't check today before I left home for my appointment. Once I got the clinic and checked in I sat for a couple of minutes then the nurse called for me to come back. We greeted each other with a smile and she asked me to step on the scale. I looked down and before my eyes, I could not believe what it read, "235". I could have just danced in placed at that moment, I have been waiting a very long time to see and hear those digits. I called my husband on my way to work to share with him the news and it was just as I thought it would be a supportive "Heck Yeah Love Bug!" I just overjoyed today. I have taken the big jump and I'm on 2.4mg of Wegovy and I took today's shot in my left arm I chicken out again getting it in my leg, but maybe one day I will be alright about it! I have seen a difference already my appetite is a few bites here and there nothing hard for now and if so it is a few bites so I will be changing up on my food more foods high in protein and eating more frequent small meals and gotta drink plenty of water. I gotta keep trying to tone up as much as possible don't need any issues in that department but it's getting closer to Water Aerobics and  sure it will be gone by then. 
Well here is to 235 a new and better me!!!

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