Friday, May 12, 2023


 Bummer of a day

I haven't posted since April 19, 2023 concerning weight loss because I'm doing great, sometime later this month I will sit down and give you an account of just how much weight I have lost since my last post but today is a little different. 

I just want to share my heart and my feelings concerning something that is greatly disturbing and I guess since we have come from a Pandemic and so many people dying and the continued cycle of illness in all sorts of ways you would had began to think people had a heart and they cared about the way each other will be treated. 

Today, I want to talk about Mental Health and how it plays into your weight loss journey

I have never shared in this blog of my other obligations and responsibilities here is a short list of those I would like to share today! 

I'm a wife, I'm a mother, I'm a full time student, and I currently work Part-Time but it does seem like Full-Time employment because of the position that I work in... 

I serve my family, church and community!!! 

I wear many hats!!! 

I'm sure you do too or you know many other people who do!!! 

I have worked my behind off, with keeping my health on track, keeping my grades current working as if I was a Full-Time employee and last but not least taking care of my darling husband along with our Adult children that have been model citizen and we are very proud of them. 

Let me just say this is not a reflection for anyone but my heart was broken when I found out that I didn't mean as much to a certain sectors of my life. Now, that I understand just how people in certain areas of my life feel about me, I know how to proceed with my plans for my life. I thought it would be forever but unfortunately, I see what God is really trying to show me and I need to stick to the plans He has for my life and not get distracted. 

What does that have to do with Weight Loss (I'm glad you ask?) 

When things, issues, problems, disappointments come up in your life sometimes your weight reflects that situation. I'm glad that I allowed God to show me just how things are and I truly know how to deal with it now that it is visible. 

Let me say this without going into detail: 

I was so embarrassed, I pray it will never happen to me again, I don't like being in a place that I'm not wanted or made to feel as if I'm not suppose to be there. It has been a very long time that I have felt as if I didn't belong but today was sure one of those days. It literally felt as if someone was messing with my psych' but I refuse to allow anyone to do that to me so I will remove myself from those types of situations. 

We all go through so much every day not to feel as if we are 

Acknowledge, Welcomed, Loved, Supported, Affirmed is so needed  

I didn't eat myself into a sick mess for one the medicine I'm currently taken will not allow me to even think of the notion but the ole me would have done such. I'm glad that even if I had to cry tears of being heartbroken because of the situation that it was short lived and I will not waddle in it!!! 

Today, I was hurt but I have to much Love in my heart to let that Stop Me!!! 

Thank you to all of you that tried to hurt me!!! 

Thank You to all that tried to stop me!!! 

Thank You for trying to break me!!! 

You continue to Keep Pushing ME to Greatness!!! 

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