Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Something New

 Something New

    In this crazy world, some call it just life, some say learning, and others would say were have you been.  I have been around for sometime now and I remember so many things that are more clearer to me than ever before. 

    I was raise in the deep south and there are certain things that I wasn't able to do growing up and now that I'm around different cities, environment and sceneries things have changed but there are some things that have remained the same. 

    Several weekends ago, I went into a department store and I purchase several bras without trying them on. I didn't ask if I could try them on because in my earlier childhood days that was something that black women wasn't allowed to do. It didn't come full circle to me until the next day, I was back in the store and the sales attendant said, "I could actually try the bra on!" I asked her to repeat what she said and she repeated it. I told her, "I was shocked, blown away with amazement that I could try the bra on." She was surprised or stunned that I even had that kind of response. I further went ahead and told her that I didn't want her to loose her job because she was going to let me try it on and her response was, "No, we let you try them on all the time, We want you to leave a satisfied customer." She continued on and went to the back of the store and found my size and asked me to give those a try. 

     I didn't not return the first set of bra's because I gifted them to someone that could have benefitted from them and it was their size too so it worked out perfectly for everyone and they were happy to receive them. 

    I am aware that in the past most people during so many different times in history thought that black people had all kinds of diseases and that it could be put on other people like the black would rub off onto another person and they would be that same color, which we know that is not true. 

    I remember being told about spiritual connotation associated with transferring of spirits to one person to the next when trying on clothing. I was taught to wash all personal items and undergarments before wearing them because of this message that was taught to black families and it was passed from one generation to the next. 

    I must admit I did not try the bra on against my skin but I did again what I was taught to do and that was to try it on; on top of my clothing that I had on which again was something that I was taught because although things changed over time I was allowed to try the bra on but it had to be over my clothes and I also remember my mother standing in the door while the sales stood away but also looking at my mother to make sure that I didn't get out of my blouse that I wore to the department store.

    I remember these things so vividly and now that I'm older and things have changed, I couldn't believe what I was hearing actually get out of my shirt and allow this bra to touch my skin to get a perfect fit... Wow!!! I'm not sure if the deep south is allowing you to try on a bra now skin to skin but I commend this department store for knowing that we are equal and I don't have any kind of diseases that would affect anyone else. 

    Although, I didn't step completely out of my comfort zone when I tried the bra on but can truly say that I was opened to the change that I experienced and that I was treated with dignity and respect. I will definitely shop and patronized this department store again. 

Great Experience and Great Customer Service!!! 

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