Thursday, May 25, 2023

Hard Day

 Hard Day

    May 23, 2023 - One of the hardest days of my life, I took for granted that even someone that I cherished would effect me in the way that it has. You think it would be easy and you think you would see the signs, you think that you would be ready and you would be okay. 

    We get so busy sometimes and you realize later that you might have seen the signs but just dismissed them totally because you don't really want to come to grips that it is really happening or just don't want to face the facts that it will happen just don't know when, how, or what matter that it would take place. 

    Most people would say, "It don't take all that!", "She is just putting on!" "Who Cares!" "Just get over it!"... I will when, it is time and the process I'm sure want be long but I do have compassion for family, friends, and animals. 

    I had my dog for 13 years and in human years he was 74 years old and I could not believe it had been literally a part of a lifetime that my furry friend, my little bonus son Rex had been a part of my life. 

    My life will be a little different but I'm glad to know that he has been the best friend I have ever had. My life without him will and has changed already, when I awake and I looked over to his bed and he is not there it hits me that he will not be coming back. When I get home and he is in his cage while we are gone to work, and with his big huge bark that greets me and now it is silence it let me know that he isn't coming back. 

    When I look out and look down by my legs and he isn't sitting close to me it reminds me he isn't coming back. I will never find a replacement for him and I know that every dog is different so I will end with this little message to all that read. 

Cherish your family

Cherish your friends

Cherish your fur babies 

 The memories they leave behind will be the lasting ones you take with you!

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