Monday, October 23, 2023

Breast Cancer Awareness

Pink Out Day...
                           I'm a Conqueror...
I don't share with others mostly about battle with Breast Cancer Health issues. 
I found out when I was heavy. I was not along with many others that have tested positive. I thought my world had come to an end but more so stopped. My husband and I decided that we would only share with the children and my dad concerning what we were headed to face. I had my procedure and they got all of the bad tissues and cells and my breast was tagged to show that area for future scans. I was also taught about the issue of weight loss because I was becoming a high risk of having more breast issues. A more reality to keep my weight off and prayerfully stay off.
Today, I salute all women that have conquered, that are going through it right now, those that will be faced with the test and those that lost their battle. 
Everyone have won the Victory!!! 

Heartbeats 💓

Who I'm going to be...Skinny 
I'm loving Who I am becoming, it is good to hear your adult children reminisce on their large frame mom, noticing that she wasn't healthy but now she is beautiful, and now she is on the right side. 
I'm glad they have watched my journey and they have supported my endeavors in every way possible. I love them, and they love me 

Today I salute my children, my other heartbeats and my day ones.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Support, Love & Weight Loss

 Support, Love & Weight Loss 

What does support do for you while on this weight loss journey? 
I'm glad you ask... 

Support is someone who helps you stay accountable concerning your goals, not their goals for you, but the GOALS YOU SET FOR YOURSELF!!! 
This is very important to your success while trying to achieve what you want as a goal.
My support team and I learned this the hard way. 

Everyone has good intentions, but how you carry out the plan of action will be one that you will need to ensure you follow. 
If your support team decides that you need to walk 2 miles and you are only ready for 1 mile, then you are defeating the purpose, and you risk the chance of not doing anything at all. 

Your support team is just what it is: SUPPORT!!! 

You don't need them telling you things concerning your progress and how to do it. 

First, let them know that you respect their willingness to help you, but the only thing you need from them is to encourage you to keep going even when you fall on your face. 

Today, I want to shout out this fellow ... My HUSBAND!!!

We started this journey together back in 2016, and we have learned a lot. 

From meal prepping, 
To Exercising 
From Emergency Room Visits 
To Living Our Best 

We don't always get it right even now, but he has worked hard with me to make sure that whatever my desire is, he is cheering me on, even if that means he is in the Blechers, on the Sidelines, or even in the Grit and the Thick of things. 

The Hard MUD!!!! 

I love him with all my heart, and I'm grateful because he wanted the best for me even when I was 385... 

I told him, "I didn't do this for him." I did it for ME!  in a discussion that we were engaged in concerning my progress and seeing some success. 
Although he was disappointed when I made the statement, in the depths of his soul, He continued to love me. 
If I didn't have him as my support 
I would have given up!!! 

Thanks, guys, for allowing me to shower love on him and continue to read and reflect on this journey with you!!! 

This is healing for me, and I hope this is healing for you as well.

Although You share in my success to the Winning Life that Continues to Win!!! 


Monday, October 9, 2023

Where Do We Go From Here

Where Do We Go From Here 

Many Things have taken place since the loss of my uncle, and although I recognize that he is in a better place, the thoughts of other loved ones that have passed before him have recently flooded my mind. 

I don't want to place myself in a state of depression, but this has really done another number to my family. 
We say, "God doesn't put more on us than we can bear!" but it doesn't feel good.
Life is what we make it ... 

I have recently stepped out of my element, and I have applied for a job that I'm very qualified to do; I finished step 3 of 3, and now I sit and wait to hear what the results will be. 

I would like to have this job because I don't have any insurance, and my medications are kicking my butt. I know what you are saying, "You are 50 years old and don't have health insurance!" 

I wouldn't accept a job without those requirements, and I don't understand how the state is getting away with not even asking if you would like to have it, although you are part-time.   
It should be the choice of the one who is willing to give up their check in order to have health insurance. 
Well, the next question is how they will live without a check, but I'm here to tell you the Lord will make a way!!! 

I see so many people in this world without, and it is people of color and other minorities that find themselves in. It is not fair, but I see this reality every day... 

Wish me luck, and I hope I get the job, and if I don't, I did try, which is half the battle. 

I took this picture to remind me that it does snow in September & October, and it doesn't have to be cold outside to see that things are changing. 

The Leaves are Changing 
The Weather is Changing 
Life itself is bringing a Change... 

My Life is Changing 
My Health is Changing For the Better

I Cannot Go Back... 
Welcome to the Continued Life that Wins!!! 


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Measure of Life

Measure of LIFE 

"The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor"

When I think of my Uncle Tucker and see what his lasting legacy has now become, it is an honor knowing that he has done exactly what he desired to do and more than most people would have even thought especially for a little ole town down in the Dirty Delta. 

I wouldn't have even imagined the lives my Uncle touched and seeing how the community embraced my family during these difficult days and days ahead has been nothing but heartfelt and loving. 

My Uncle was a staple in the community and in the job he held since the age of 22 and remained there for 50-plus years. I remember him coming by my Kindergarten class when I was 5 years old and most of the students in my class thought he was my father at first until I made the correction. 

I remembered being proud that he was coming by although, he wasn't coming to check on me but he was checking on the teacher who later had a daughter by him. 
Yes, he was courting and he was good at it... LOL 

It never stopped him from doing for his family or even for other people. I found out that my Uncle had worked for the only Black Funeral Home since he was 16 years old and so many people knew him even from that line of work. 

I remember people would say to me, "Tucker Tatum the Undertaker" is your Uncle and I didn't know if that was supposed to be a good thing or not but I was proud to say YES!!! 

I didn't have a lot of trouble growing up because most of the people in the city know that my family lineage comes from hard-working and stable family values and ethics. If we can't do the task it is not for the sake of not trying. 

I believe we still have that embedded in our DNA

I have been going through many deaths this since July of many of my family and a special friend but this one here hit me a little differently. 

My Father shared something with me this week that I wasn't aware of and he asked the youngest brother to keep it to himself until after everything was finished.  
The Youngest Brother HONORED HIS REQUEST and my father shared it with and now I have a more profound RESPECT for my Uncle even in death. 

He wasn't a man who would have ever wanted people to see him as weak and sickly but a strong man... 

I love you Uncle Tucker and Thanks for Everything you did for me when I was younger to help shape and mold me into the woman I am today. 

Your impartation into my life will always be dear to me and it will resonate in my heart forever.  

Rest Well Uncle 

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...