Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Support, Love & Weight Loss

 Support, Love & Weight Loss 

What does support do for you while on this weight loss journey? 
I'm glad you ask... 

Support is someone who helps you stay accountable concerning your goals, not their goals for you, but the GOALS YOU SET FOR YOURSELF!!! 
This is very important to your success while trying to achieve what you want as a goal.
My support team and I learned this the hard way. 

Everyone has good intentions, but how you carry out the plan of action will be one that you will need to ensure you follow. 
If your support team decides that you need to walk 2 miles and you are only ready for 1 mile, then you are defeating the purpose, and you risk the chance of not doing anything at all. 

Your support team is just what it is: SUPPORT!!! 

You don't need them telling you things concerning your progress and how to do it. 

First, let them know that you respect their willingness to help you, but the only thing you need from them is to encourage you to keep going even when you fall on your face. 

Today, I want to shout out this fellow ... My HUSBAND!!!

We started this journey together back in 2016, and we have learned a lot. 

From meal prepping, 
To Exercising 
From Emergency Room Visits 
To Living Our Best 

We don't always get it right even now, but he has worked hard with me to make sure that whatever my desire is, he is cheering me on, even if that means he is in the Blechers, on the Sidelines, or even in the Grit and the Thick of things. 

The Hard MUD!!!! 

I love him with all my heart, and I'm grateful because he wanted the best for me even when I was 385... 

I told him, "I didn't do this for him." I did it for ME!  in a discussion that we were engaged in concerning my progress and seeing some success. 
Although he was disappointed when I made the statement, in the depths of his soul, He continued to love me. 
If I didn't have him as my support 
I would have given up!!! 

Thanks, guys, for allowing me to shower love on him and continue to read and reflect on this journey with you!!! 

This is healing for me, and I hope this is healing for you as well.

Although You share in my success to the Winning Life that Continues to Win!!! 


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