Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Measure of Life

Measure of LIFE 

"The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor"

When I think of my Uncle Tucker and see what his lasting legacy has now become, it is an honor knowing that he has done exactly what he desired to do and more than most people would have even thought especially for a little ole town down in the Dirty Delta. 

I wouldn't have even imagined the lives my Uncle touched and seeing how the community embraced my family during these difficult days and days ahead has been nothing but heartfelt and loving. 

My Uncle was a staple in the community and in the job he held since the age of 22 and remained there for 50-plus years. I remember him coming by my Kindergarten class when I was 5 years old and most of the students in my class thought he was my father at first until I made the correction. 

I remembered being proud that he was coming by although, he wasn't coming to check on me but he was checking on the teacher who later had a daughter by him. 
Yes, he was courting and he was good at it... LOL 

It never stopped him from doing for his family or even for other people. I found out that my Uncle had worked for the only Black Funeral Home since he was 16 years old and so many people knew him even from that line of work. 

I remember people would say to me, "Tucker Tatum the Undertaker" is your Uncle and I didn't know if that was supposed to be a good thing or not but I was proud to say YES!!! 

I didn't have a lot of trouble growing up because most of the people in the city know that my family lineage comes from hard-working and stable family values and ethics. If we can't do the task it is not for the sake of not trying. 

I believe we still have that embedded in our DNA

I have been going through many deaths this since July of many of my family and a special friend but this one here hit me a little differently. 

My Father shared something with me this week that I wasn't aware of and he asked the youngest brother to keep it to himself until after everything was finished.  
The Youngest Brother HONORED HIS REQUEST and my father shared it with and now I have a more profound RESPECT for my Uncle even in death. 

He wasn't a man who would have ever wanted people to see him as weak and sickly but a strong man... 

I love you Uncle Tucker and Thanks for Everything you did for me when I was younger to help shape and mold me into the woman I am today. 

Your impartation into my life will always be dear to me and it will resonate in my heart forever.  

Rest Well Uncle 

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