Monday, October 9, 2023

Where Do We Go From Here

Where Do We Go From Here 

Many Things have taken place since the loss of my uncle, and although I recognize that he is in a better place, the thoughts of other loved ones that have passed before him have recently flooded my mind. 

I don't want to place myself in a state of depression, but this has really done another number to my family. 
We say, "God doesn't put more on us than we can bear!" but it doesn't feel good.
Life is what we make it ... 

I have recently stepped out of my element, and I have applied for a job that I'm very qualified to do; I finished step 3 of 3, and now I sit and wait to hear what the results will be. 

I would like to have this job because I don't have any insurance, and my medications are kicking my butt. I know what you are saying, "You are 50 years old and don't have health insurance!" 

I wouldn't accept a job without those requirements, and I don't understand how the state is getting away with not even asking if you would like to have it, although you are part-time.   
It should be the choice of the one who is willing to give up their check in order to have health insurance. 
Well, the next question is how they will live without a check, but I'm here to tell you the Lord will make a way!!! 

I see so many people in this world without, and it is people of color and other minorities that find themselves in. It is not fair, but I see this reality every day... 

Wish me luck, and I hope I get the job, and if I don't, I did try, which is half the battle. 

I took this picture to remind me that it does snow in September & October, and it doesn't have to be cold outside to see that things are changing. 

The Leaves are Changing 
The Weather is Changing 
Life itself is bringing a Change... 

My Life is Changing 
My Health is Changing For the Better

I Cannot Go Back... 
Welcome to the Continued Life that Wins!!! 


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