Thursday, June 6, 2024

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back... 

I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but 
Doing life without this guy in it is unimaginable
He has been so supportive and so willing to be in my corner
We have each others back and this is much his degree as it is mine
Yes, I did the work but his support and encouragement pushed me into another level of love for him. 

We have gone through a lot together but when it comes to support I think we are truly the definition of it! 
We fight in the spirit
We fight in the natural 
We fight together
We live together 
We Grow together

He is still excited about my future endeavors and I for him!! 
I still can't believe that after all we have been through we still have joy!!

When they told us NO, we believed God for a Yes!!! 
For our Faithfulness God has given both of us a Yes!!!

for the things we have asked him for and we couldn't be more happier with how things have turned out! 

We still have more things we are asking God for a Yes and I believe they are Yes, and Amen!!! 

Thanks Honey for being a part of the Yes for my life!!! 


April  6 
- I believe was the last post I made concerning weight loss and trying to play catch up because life had been really lifin' Well let me say those craving that started held me so hard that I gained about 7-10 pounds. 

I began drinking zero count soda's
I ate pasta's 
I had bread's 
I  had a huge craving for Laffy Taffy's which was horrible because I was eating about 2,000 calories of just those a lone. I went to see my doctor and when I showed her what I was doing she gave me other medications to try and help with but unfortunately it didn't work. I know for many that are keeping up with my weight loss journey the question is did I make my May 14 deadline and the answer is a firm NO
I am somewhat disappointed but then too I'm not because I did all I knew to do to help me but I could not overcome the noise that took me into June and after several months it has finally calmed down. 

June 5, 2024 I had a sick spell but I do believe it is because I was placed back on the compound of tirzepatide which is a generic formula of mounjaro, when I went back to the doctor my A1C was elevated and my doctor felt this was the best way for us to get me back on track. I weigh in at 225 when I was closer to 212 several months ago. My goal was to be under 200 by May but it is not the end of the world, I will keep trying and after I had the sick spell with GERD also in April I believed I would be okay with not making it to the goal because I felt so bad and I didn't wish that on anyone to have reflux spasms that severe.  

June 6, 2024 - I do feel better although I started drinking Pedialyte and I began to feel much better than I did earlier in the week. I felt really drained and I also took my vitamin D that I'm suppose to be taking once a week but unfortunately I have not since I believe April. 

Let me now go back to why I haven't been on top of my blogging. I will reveal at this time I have been attending college. I had worked in public schools for many years and God allowed me to impact many student lives without properly being certified and I must say that was a blessing within itself. Many years have passed but my desire was to get my degree and after talking it over with my husband I adventured the Fall of 2022 on getting my Associates Degree and on May 14 I walked across the stage proudly not being the oldest in the crowd because the oldest was a nursing student that was 63 years young and the youngest was 15 years old I was given my case confirming that I had meet all the criteria of the state and the university to be awarded my AA Degree. 

I will continue on for my Bachelors, Fall of 2024 and I believe in 2026 I will be writing you again saying I have finally finished that leg of my collegiate journey. I believe you can. I have had many hurdles and my family has been through so much together and I just believe that I can not give up on my desire to have a college education. 

Happy Birthday Son

 ~You Are My First Born  … A Bouncing Baby Boy given to me this day~

First, I would like to start this blog with saying Happy Birthday to the young man that made me a mother some 32 years ago and I pray you have an amazing day. I spoke with you this morning and you shared with me your plans for your life at 32 and I want you to know that whatever and however you plan to do your life, "I remain supporting you whole heartily".  

You have been through so much in your life and although that has not been an excuse for you but I'm glad that you are having the conversation with God and it seems you are listening. I will forever keep praying for you and your siblings, you guys and gal are my greatest inspirations, my motivation  and my love for you is not a victim of circumstance it actually is a tool for me to keep pursing my dreams even in my young mature years because: 


I will close with this: 

Jeramiah 29:11  - Let's us know that God has a purpose for our life and God knows the plans for our lives we just have to be able to hear and listen but most of all walk out those plans that Jesus has for us. 

I love you son, Many more Blessed, Prosperous, Birthday's 

You make me proud to be your mom...


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Catching Up

 April 9, 2024

Wow, where to begin... since my last accountability on my blog so many more things have happen that I failed to include in this journey of my life. I will try and make an attempt today to catch up on me and what has happened since January 16, 2024. 

First, I would like to thank God for allowing me to the opportunity to turn a year older. I think I have done well even with the weight loss and I'm pressing forward. I'm still doing what I need to do in order to make things possible. I'm still doing my insulin resistance but I can tell when the cheaper version of my medication wears off because now I'm hungry and the cravings are picking up and I'm having a hard time getting them under control. I literally bumped myself up by half of another injection in order to turn off the noise in February and I don't recommend unless consult with your doctor but I did and it worked for me. Now in April I decided to act right and the food noise is back and I feel as if I'm loosing the battle. I will see my doctor soon and hopefully I will be back on track. 

I would also like to add that in February I had a horrible sick spell wear I found out that I have GERD. I have to eat right and there is no way from getting around it and I don't ever want to feel that way ever again. I could literally feel the acid in my throat and it burned so badly. I guess that is why I didn't record  anything because I was so sick and I had to get myself together and that meant to change my way of eating all over again. I'm not sure if I'm doing it but a lot has changed. I fall off this wagon recently daily now that we are in April and I have to pull it together by May 14. 

At the current moment my eating habits include all high protein such as seafood, bacon, ham, oatmeal with fruit and raisins and last but not least collard greens. I am praying for light foods due to the GERD that makes me realize very quickly I have eaten the wrong thing. I have been craving sodas and everyone should know that they are truly bad for you but even though I have been doing coke and dr. pepper zero's I have found myself drinking cherry dr. pepper and it hasn't been a zero although they do make them. 

I also have found myself craving sweets such as cakes, and donuts mostly. I think when I started craving bread mainly biscuits from a particular establishment compliments of my husband I feel things going backwards and the food noise was initiated. 

I have to get the cholesterol down and keep my A1C also down and back to normal but it is going to take a lot of dedication and sacrifice if I'm going to make my deadline for graduation. 

I'm back to keep my record to help me hold myself accountable for my choices. I don't want to be a statistic so I will keep doing what I need to be doing to keep me from that fate. 

I would like to see all of my grand children and great-grand children in the future and I believe that I will be in good health, prosperous as I continue on this journey. 

I will continue and tell you about what else I have experience because it has been a life changing experience to me. 

I will tell you all about it in the next journal report of the winning life.                                                                                                                      

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Many More

Today (9), Nine Years ago, I joined ...

My life was so different back then and was so unstable, and I needed someone to hold me accountable for the choices I was making.  

Don't get it twisted; I was working on me even back then. I was looking for someone who was whole and complete, not knowing that life is not always that way. 

I can't believe that on this day nine years ago, you decided to make me your wife, knowing I wasn't perfect. I had and continue to have many flaws, but I strive to make a difference in my everyday journey. 

I know you are not perfect, but you are so special to me, and I couldn't do this life without you!  

I only have a little to say in this post cause there is much more I could tell, but it would take more time than what I have today. 

Here's to Life...

Here's to Love...

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Family 2024


Today is January 9, 2024

 I can't believe that we are already close to double digits this month. January has always been extra special to me because it is my birth month, not just for me but for all of my immediate family members. 

My father leads us off as if he should, then I'm next, my mother, and last but not least, my identical twin brothers. This mixture of the family has always made me feel as if we have a connection that is and has been identified in my life as extraordinary and special because I believe in my heart that we have a connection that is closer than many because God saw fit for us to all share this month as a true celebration of life, love, and happiness. 

If someone reading this thinks I wouldn't talk about the ups and downs and the great moments in life that we have shared and think it is all peaches and cream, then you are sadly mistaken, but through it all, we are blessed to be close and strong as a family. 

Many families don't have what we have, and I thank the Lord. God has seen us through many of those trials, and it didn't destroy us as a family. 

I pray a special blessing over our family today with the words of one of my favorite scriptures. 

Numbers 6:24-26 NKJV 

"The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; 

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."

Happy Birthday, Family, 

I love each of you and wish nothing but the absolute best for each of you!!

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Having Hope While Letting Go!!!

It is always hard to just let it go, especially when it is someone you love. 

One of my cousins has pinned the phrase best, "My first tears of 2024!" I must admit, I didn't see this one coming at all. 

When I saw you last, I was leaving to come back home from Thanksgiving at Mom's, and I stopped over as I would often do, not knowing why the urge that came over was so different than other times. 

Now, know why because you would not make it to see 2024. 

Many memories flood my mind as I remember the many tasks we have done together that bring a big smile to my face. I'll never forget the summer I came over to spend with my grandparents, and why I didn't bring enough clothes. I'm still trying to figure that one out in my head, but that was the year I learned how to sew without a pattern. 

You had some beautiful fabric, and we made several outfits together. I was ever so proud of myself, but to see the big smile on your face when I came out with the finished product, "I knew I had created something worth wearing. I did make some mistakes, but you never once got upset with me; you showed me how to take the seam out and try it again. I loved my little headband that I made, and I thought I was something. I made about 4 outfits with matching headbands. I will never forget that summer and the many other summers that I spent with you. It helped shape the woman I have become in so many ways. It taught me how to help my children, who are adults now, and I pray it will help me be an amazing grandmother one day. 

You and your family have many memories etched in my mind, even all the way back to Dumas. Seeing you at your mom's house, Mama Shirley's, and your brother tossing me up in the air as high as I believed the trees. Big Huge Laughs bellowing out. 

I'm going to miss you. heck, I'm missing you right now, but I realize you are not suffering anymore, and you don't have to worry about what others are thinking concerning your health and weight. You always had the most humorous way of explaining to me what was going on with you, and I'm glad you shared that information with me because you wanted me to be educated on it. It was helpful, and it was taken to the prayer room of my heart. 

I love you then, I love you now, and I will love you forever, Aunt Debra, the mother to many who didn't really understand their mothers. You have been an Amazing Surrogate Mother! 

Rest Well, which I know you are because you believed and were a woman of FAITH & PRAYER! 

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...