Monday, January 30, 2017

Realizing the Mind is Dangerous

Realizing the MIND is Dangerous 

My mind had to be TRANSFORMED!  

I overcame by trusting myself more with people that I could surround myself with to be a support group for me! .................. Yes! ................... You need the support! 
Find one someone that you can share your progress with from week to week or month to month! 
They might not go with you but they can encourage you! 

Although, we think that we will not give up but your mind will tell your body to QUIT! GIVE IT UP! because you are doing something that it hasn't done in years ........................MOVING YOUR BODY!

Continue to focus on  your portion sizes you are consuming and also how many soda's you are drinking instead of water consumption and began to start and keep A DAILY JOURNAL of your eating habits. If you see it on paper or on an app you will began to acknowledge what is wrong and your mind will start taking responsibility of your actions. 

Walking and moving your body is a must!  Try to set a limit to 5,000 steps a day and increase it until you are up to 10,000 and more a day it does work! 


I'm going to continue not just because I like the results but because its the right thing to do! 
 I encourage  you to come join me in 


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Time to move 2017

Time to Move

Everyone wants to know how I go from being 315 pounds to my current weight! 
Today, I will share with you my secret! 
You Ready! 
I started MOVING!! 
That is right! I started moving my body, my feet and my mind forward.
Believe it or not when I started I couldn't walk to the end of my driveway with out giving out! 
I begin moving my feet and walking, rain, or shine.
I did that everyday for one whole week.
The second week, I walked to the short end of the street I lived on. I walked it everyday until I moved to the whole street and I know you get the picture. 
It's not how FAST you get to the finish line just long as you 
I remember sitting down and feeling kinda down on myself and I thought about quitting, but I realized that it didn't take me a few months to gain this weight it took years. Unfortunately, its not going to take a few weeks or even months to drop this weight it is going to take a year or two.
 I encourage you to do what you can do and keep moving and pushing forward. 

It's about PROGRESS! 
It's about moving FORWARD! 
Changing Your Mind about Yourself! 
You Can Make it to Your Personal Finish Line! 
Remember it's not how fast it's about 

One of my Favorite Dishes

Favorite Foods 

When thinking of eating correctly some struggle with choices! Well Struggle NO MORE! You can eat what you want and still loose and maintain your weight, but their is something more you must do and we will start that on next week. 

Here is one of my most favorite foods I cook that I love and I share it with you today! Remember to eat modestly! It is all about Modest Eating Habits! Controlling your Portion Sizes. 
Here is the rest of this recipe:
minutes stirring to keep from sticking to pan. add remaining ingredients, cover and simmer for 20 - 25 minutes. Makes about 8 servings. Only 4G net carbs per serving. 

Its really good and I'm not watching carbs just making healthy choices in eating!  

Happy Eating and Thanks for reading 
The Winning Life 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year

What a transformation in 2016 I have made!
70 plus pounds and my journey continues! 
 Modest eating habits and plenty of exercise
 Yes, You can do it too! 
No, I didn't starve myself in 2016! I just cut my portion in half! 
Have you heard of MyfitnessPal? 
I used that APP to help me to reduce how much I was eating.
Make sure you have prayed about this journey, you are about to take, see your physician for your healthcare needs and last but not least have a support circle and if you don't have one, I'm here for you! 
 I hope to share some of my favorite foods in 2017 along with my exercise diary. 
Thanks for joining this week of 
The Winning Life! 

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...