Thursday, January 12, 2017

One of my Favorite Dishes

Favorite Foods 

When thinking of eating correctly some struggle with choices! Well Struggle NO MORE! You can eat what you want and still loose and maintain your weight, but their is something more you must do and we will start that on next week. 

Here is one of my most favorite foods I cook that I love and I share it with you today! Remember to eat modestly! It is all about Modest Eating Habits! Controlling your Portion Sizes. 
Here is the rest of this recipe:
minutes stirring to keep from sticking to pan. add remaining ingredients, cover and simmer for 20 - 25 minutes. Makes about 8 servings. Only 4G net carbs per serving. 

Its really good and I'm not watching carbs just making healthy choices in eating!  

Happy Eating and Thanks for reading 
The Winning Life 

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