Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year

What a transformation in 2016 I have made!
70 plus pounds and my journey continues! 
 Modest eating habits and plenty of exercise
 Yes, You can do it too! 
No, I didn't starve myself in 2016! I just cut my portion in half! 
Have you heard of MyfitnessPal? 
I used that APP to help me to reduce how much I was eating.
Make sure you have prayed about this journey, you are about to take, see your physician for your healthcare needs and last but not least have a support circle and if you don't have one, I'm here for you! 
 I hope to share some of my favorite foods in 2017 along with my exercise diary. 
Thanks for joining this week of 
The Winning Life! 

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