Tuesday, June 20, 2023

New Stage

 New Stage 

I have decided to look into a New Stage of my weight loss journey now that I have loss about 90 pounds off this body of mine ... 

I would like to introduce you to 


what does this include? I'm glad you asked, it is a New Method of helping those love handles and other parts of your body that you disgust or not happy about melt away. 

I'm not doing Cool Sculpturing but I'm doing

Body Contouring / Cellulite Reduction and Body Tone 

This technique uses Heat instead of Cold methods to shrink stubborn fat cells. 

I started about a week ago and I must admit I am seeing some changes in my stomach area, and also I started with first. 

Some would say, "Isn't that expensive?" or "I'm not paying that kind of money for that!" or 
"You don't know what that is doing to your body, I'm not trying that for anyone!" 

Well, I have decided to treat my body because after so many fad diets and running and weight loss no go's and I didn't want to have a tummy tuck that was also a huge option but I didn't feel it was the best choice for me because of the down time, I thought this would be a better choice. 

I have made the choice to go along with the following 

4 Vanquish Treatment 


along with 6 Treatments of Body Toning 

Things I must do? 

Drink Plenty of H2O and I mean Plenty because this treatment works with your lymphatics and it must have a place for the cellulite to go. 

I have been trying to figure out what why I have been 


I haven't been drinking enough water through out the day and I have noticed that I have been a little warmer than usual because remember the fat cells has to have a place to go. 

I started this treatment and within the first 48 hours something happened to me that has never happened before and I noticed when I eat cantaloupe that something takes place in my stomach and out the back side it comes. 

I feel this urgency that I need to make it to the bathroom and I get this heating sensation that comes over my body and I literally gets nauseous. 

I tell someone to come and check on me if I have been away for more than 20 minutes because I have been afraid at times that I will have passed out from the intensity of the heat sensation that comes over me. I am going to ask her about it at my next treatment that will take place in July. 

I believe this is the right course of action for my life and since I'm doing well with the weight loss let us get TONED UP! 

I'm not trying to be a Jennifer Lopez, Jade Pickett Smith, or an Kardashian 

I just want to feel and look like Me

and to get the Results I'm looking for without all of the nips, sips, cuts, and tucks! 

I'm Winning, and thanks for reading the Winning Like 2K23!!! 

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