Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Curve Ball

The Curve Ball

I'm not a baseball or a true softball player 

I really don't understand the game like I thought I did until just recently. 

 Sometimes, things in life is for you and at other times it is for someone else but there is always a lesson to be learned from everything. 

June 20, 1914 my grandfather Reather Phillips Sr., was born. 

June 20, 2023, my aunt Merone Gean Phillips Jones passed away. Since her passing I have found out so much more about her life and her lifestyle and the way she lived and I'm very disappointed at how I have learned about the developments and I keep finding things on social media that I believed should have been brought to the family before they were brought to the public or social media. 


I have been under the impression that family comes together when things come to tear it down, that is the time to build and it back up and keep holding on to each other for support.  I have never been so public humiliated for our family until now. What happened to the communication within our family. 

We have to get it together and I pray that our founding parents will be pleased with us moving into the right direction, it will have to start with the generation that is called the grandchildren because the parents have lost their way. 

I pray that on this issue we will be able to pull it all back together!! 

Fast forward 8 days later, another curve ball takes place, WE LOSS BRAIN, he was my late Uncle Buds oldest son. He favored him so much, he had mannerism like him and he was so lovable. 

I'm trying to cope with all the news, This is VERY, VERY HARD!!!  

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