Tuesday, July 25, 2023

New, New, Everything New

New, New, Everything New... 

 Botox Day has been a day that I have always dreamed of, I have some facial features that I have need to camouflaged for years because sometimes well heck most of the time my expressions tell you exactly what I'm thinking ... lol  
I decided to do something else and that was to receive Botox on these wrinkles that I needed to enhance things that I thought was important to me. I shared with my #1 and the reaction was surprisingly very supportive and even made the statement, "This was something they could really get behind because I needed it badly!" ... lol 

 This person has been with me for over 30 years and I'm sure they have seen the bad, good and ugly. I'm glad for good honest opinions and I'm not offended because those that are with me wants the best for me. 

I don't know how many more treatments  I will take but we are loving the results we are seeing now and remember just trying to be healthy for my mental health along with my Physical well being. 

 I no longer worry about what others think because this is for me and those that don't like it who cares... 😉

The life that continues to win... 2K23...


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