Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A for Effort

(A) for Effort

I believe it is time for me to pat myself on the back because of ALL of my Efforts and grade myself. 

Am I being a little much, you sho'right!!! LOL 

I giving myself  (A) 

I have truly stuck to the game plan and I believe that I'm knocking it out of the ballpark. I'm getting back to my happy place where things in my world kind of makes since for me. 

I still have my ultimate goal but from where I started a year ago, these are the results. 

Whose that lady... 

Where is that lady...

She NO Longer Exit... 


August of 2022 Weight started at 332 ... 

July 26, 2023 I'm weighed in at 226 

Grand Total of 106 pounds... 

God is Good ... 

11 months and still counting

I still have more work to continue ...  

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