Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Better Days are Coming...

Better Days are Coming...  

Sick days are getting closer to the end and I'm starting to feel better. I've been on some large massive dosages of medication and my system I believe is getting stronger and I just had to realize that it will take some time and I have plenty of that and if not it will take care of you! 

I must admit, I've need some much needed rest and I just believe that God is going to continue to do something extra special for me...

I'm posting a lot of pictures of course to remind me of this journey and to never forget from which I came from. 

I'm so proud of me and I'm getting closer and closer to what I have finally decided should be my ideal weight loss goal. 

My life has forever been changed and that is because God showed me something about myself a long time ago and he has not been slack concerning his promises to me. Even when I thought he wasn't listening he was. 

I could cry right now because I have been to some places in my mind that I know only God brought me out of. I have been through a lot in my 50 years of life and most of the people could not have accomplished or stood the test but I'm so thankful to God that I stood. 

I wanted to give up but God kept me...  

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