Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A for Effort

(A) for Effort

I believe it is time for me to pat myself on the back because of ALL of my Efforts and grade myself. 

Am I being a little much, you sho'right!!! LOL 

I giving myself  (A) 

I have truly stuck to the game plan and I believe that I'm knocking it out of the ballpark. I'm getting back to my happy place where things in my world kind of makes since for me. 

I still have my ultimate goal but from where I started a year ago, these are the results. 

Whose that lady... 

Where is that lady...

She NO Longer Exit... 


August of 2022 Weight started at 332 ... 

July 26, 2023 I'm weighed in at 226 

Grand Total of 106 pounds... 

God is Good ... 

11 months and still counting

I still have more work to continue ...  

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Better Days are Coming...

Better Days are Coming...  

Sick days are getting closer to the end and I'm starting to feel better. I've been on some large massive dosages of medication and my system I believe is getting stronger and I just had to realize that it will take some time and I have plenty of that and if not it will take care of you! 

I must admit, I've need some much needed rest and I just believe that God is going to continue to do something extra special for me...

I'm posting a lot of pictures of course to remind me of this journey and to never forget from which I came from. 

I'm so proud of me and I'm getting closer and closer to what I have finally decided should be my ideal weight loss goal. 

My life has forever been changed and that is because God showed me something about myself a long time ago and he has not been slack concerning his promises to me. Even when I thought he wasn't listening he was. 

I could cry right now because I have been to some places in my mind that I know only God brought me out of. I have been through a lot in my 50 years of life and most of the people could not have accomplished or stood the test but I'm so thankful to God that I stood. 

I wanted to give up but God kept me...  

New, New, Everything New

New, New, Everything New... 

 Botox Day has been a day that I have always dreamed of, I have some facial features that I have need to camouflaged for years because sometimes well heck most of the time my expressions tell you exactly what I'm thinking ... lol  
I decided to do something else and that was to receive Botox on these wrinkles that I needed to enhance things that I thought was important to me. I shared with my #1 and the reaction was surprisingly very supportive and even made the statement, "This was something they could really get behind because I needed it badly!" ... lol 

 This person has been with me for over 30 years and I'm sure they have seen the bad, good and ugly. I'm glad for good honest opinions and I'm not offended because those that are with me wants the best for me. 

I don't know how many more treatments  I will take but we are loving the results we are seeing now and remember just trying to be healthy for my mental health along with my Physical well being. 

 I no longer worry about what others think because this is for me and those that don't like it who cares... 😉

The life that continues to win... 2K23...


Allergic Reaction Day

Allergic Reaction Day 

July 10, 2023 

I will not ever forget this day for the rest of my life I'm sure...

One reason is I allowed myself to not stand up and speak out for my health and It could have cost me my life. 

I have been allergic to STRAWBERRIES most of my life but it didn't always start out that way. I love the precious and beautiful fruit as a child but one day it didn't love me back and it put me in the hospital one summer. Every since that time, I have always had things in place to not let people feel guilty about having strawberries around me but now that I'm older things are becoming more different. 

I didn't RSV for an event because when I looked at the menu, I saw several desserts on the list and one of them had the delicious fruit on it so I decided and made up in my mind that I would not attend.  Once I made it to my destination that day, I was reminded that this event was happening but I also remembered that the menu had been changed and I was happy to attend, once I was approached about my attendance.

I remember walking inside and my nose began to burn and itch a little but I was saying in the depths of my mind that I would be fine, I wouldn't be there long and surely there was no strawberries. I made it to the location where I saw the food and what was starring me in my face was this beautiful homemade strawberry cake. Once after the grace was said, I ran out the door and asked some nice people to make me a plate and I sat outside. It was HOT AS HELL out there but I didn't want to be rude so I stayed outside and continued to mingle to the best of my ability. 

I don't believe anyone thought about it at the time but I did leave the event early and gave my salutations to the gracious host and made a B-Line back to my station and by the time everyone made it back to me I had hives and was looked at and the decision was made that I might needed to go home and start the process of treating myself and I knew all of the precautions so I thought I was going to be okay but since that time to this one things have not been going like I thought they would be going. 

I don't believe anyone in the near future will be pushing for me to go to an event without thoroughly looking at the menu or getting my reason for not attending. 

I haven't been feeling my best but it will not stop me from being free and I will start speaking up for what is right for me and now at 50 years old, I need to make sure that my life is the best for me and I don't have to worry about but my life in jeopardy to do that!!! 

I left for the day and when I made it home I was starting to look like someone had punched me in the face and I could feel my face really tingling like it was on firer but I have overcome this but I have had some other things come up and now they believe it all started just from this allergic reactions. 

Thanks for riding with me and this journey... 

The Curve Ball

The Curve Ball

I'm not a baseball or a true softball player 

I really don't understand the game like I thought I did until just recently. 

 Sometimes, things in life is for you and at other times it is for someone else but there is always a lesson to be learned from everything. 

June 20, 1914 my grandfather Reather Phillips Sr., was born. 

June 20, 2023, my aunt Merone Gean Phillips Jones passed away. Since her passing I have found out so much more about her life and her lifestyle and the way she lived and I'm very disappointed at how I have learned about the developments and I keep finding things on social media that I believed should have been brought to the family before they were brought to the public or social media. 


I have been under the impression that family comes together when things come to tear it down, that is the time to build and it back up and keep holding on to each other for support.  I have never been so public humiliated for our family until now. What happened to the communication within our family. 

We have to get it together and I pray that our founding parents will be pleased with us moving into the right direction, it will have to start with the generation that is called the grandchildren because the parents have lost their way. 

I pray that on this issue we will be able to pull it all back together!! 

Fast forward 8 days later, another curve ball takes place, WE LOSS BRAIN, he was my late Uncle Buds oldest son. He favored him so much, he had mannerism like him and he was so lovable. 

I'm trying to cope with all the news, This is VERY, VERY HARD!!!  

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...