Sunday, December 31, 2023

Good Bye 2023

How can I sum up 2023 other than Amazing?

I'm grateful for everything that happened in 2023. I have experienced many joys, deep hurts, and pains. 

I have accomplished a lot, all while going through many adversities. I have seen many things that remind me to keep pressing towards my goals and don't stop for anyone. 

I have made many new connections and what I consider friendship for life. I have made many close connections that could have led me astray, but I kept my cool and made sure I remained focused on the main goal. 

I can't believe the reconnection of a family dynamic that I thought was gone, but I always say, "God has a sense of humor, and he laughs at us." 

I'm celebrating all of the friends that I made, even through this blog, and you go with me through my ups and downs. You have always been right here, and I have felt your prayers; I have felt your hurt with me as I went through. 

I must admit that I have been out celebrating 2023 here at the end of the year, and I haven't traveled with my laptop, but let me tell you: You have been on my mind. 

I'm under the weather, I didn't test positive for COVID, but I believe I had a touch of the flu. I will not be out in the air because I have to be back at work when this holiday is over, but just know that I am thinking of you in the new year. 

At my last doctor's appointment, I smiled because I lost an additional four (4) pounds 

Let me say this, to sum up, 2023, 

THANK YOU for the winning life, love, and support. 

With you, I managed to get all of this completed. 

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