Monday, December 11, 2023


 Today is the day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it!!! 


Life has indeed been lifing. 

I got up and received several text messages saying, " You are gone! 

I'm Screaming inside because I just couldn't believe it was true. 

I didn't want to get up and go to work, but now I just want to stay in bed. 

I made my way to my closet to get the prepared clothes for work together and get ready for work, and before I knew it, tears fell from my face. 

I Screamed and threw my hands up because YOU (God) are the only help I know!!! 

The pain of losing you, a dear friend, is heartbreaking... 

Everyone has to deal with this news, and I am not okay, but I will with time.

Man, I heard the song say this morning, "The Sun is going to Shine if I hold out!" but as I saw the sun as I was coming to work, all I could possibly think about was that I was gloomy and sad.

Today, I must encourage myself in the Word of God

Today, I must keep focused that God is my strength 

Today, I must remind myself that you will always and forever be Loved 

It hurts so bad to lose a Good Friend 

I have made some new friends, but I have lost a Celebrity 

Everyone in our circle and out of our circle knows your name... 

As I close, let me be comforted in knowing that God knows your name, and now you are with him along with your mom, dad, and brother that you took care of. 

This part of the country in Arkansas will never be the same... 

I will keep you posted on final arrangements, I can only imagine the people who will be in attendance. 

Lord, help everyone understand and take comfort in knowing the legacy he leaves behind is a work well done. 

Help us Lord, I will have tears all day... this hurts so bad

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