Sunday, December 10, 2023

Happy Sunday

 Happy Sunday Everyone, 

Some people say it is the best day of the week for them, but truthfully, every day is a good day of the week. I like the fellowship with others throughout the week. When I get to church on Sundays, it is an added plus to see those I haven't been able to see since last week.  

I have been thinking about my mother lately, and I have decided since I know she has hinted she wanted a particular brand of purse, and since I have one that I'm not really crazy about, she can have it. I continued brainstorming, concluding that I could keep my bag (lol). I also realize that she can have it because I have something else that is coming that I really want, and furthermore, I know she will not ever purchase one for herself, so let me send her some love for the holiday. Although I know she isn't getting me anything, it is not really about her, but she is welcome to it! 

The service was good; one of our new associate ministers will be bringing his Genesis message next Sunday at 3 o'clock, and we couldn't be more proud of him. I know that our pastor's wife is excited because it is her youngest brother, and he has been through so much because he is also a Veteran and has fought for the United States.  I'm sure he has a Word from Heaven next week, and I'm anticipating something Good! 

I began this morning thinking that I was going to wear what I wore for Thanksgiving to church, but when I began to put my pants on, I realized that they were not what I wore. The style was totally different (smiling). I put my shirt on and realized that it was not what I wore for Thanksgiving either (laughing). The hairstyle that I wore today is not the same as what I wore for Thanksgiving (lmbo). 

I was laughing at myself, and it ended up being something

I put it together. 
I'm usually cold in church, but today, I was warm because I selected the right combination, and I think it turned out alright. 
I must give photo credit to the hubby; thank you!!! 
I will close by letting you know that I love watching Sunday Night Football...

Enjoy the Rest of your Sunday... 
The Winning Life that Continues to Win in Every Aspect of Life!!! 

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