Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Welcome to December

 Welcome to December Everyone, 

It has been a little while since I posted things because I have been swamped. I lost another family member that I was close to, but I understand what heartbreak can do for you. Especially if you truly love that person. He was 84 years old, and his wife was apparently 20 years younger than him, from what I was told when his health started declining. She said she didn't sign up for this, but I thought when you marry someone, you make a vow that says in sickness and health for better or worse. I was very disappointed when she left him, and his sons had to take over and take care of him in the end. It has been challenging to know this information, to watch things take place, and to see him in his final state, lying in his pretty blue casket that it seems he had picked out for himself with the help and assistance of his sister. 

Furthermore, I have some other things I would like to share, but it will have to wait until I'm home and on my own computer. After all, the workplace is not the place to share my laundry because so many people think it is nice to look over my back and read what I'm doing on my computer. 

No Privacy!!!!

I don't care for it, but it is what it is. 

I hope everyone will have a Wonderful Christmas; I'm excited about that... 

I need to refocus on myself and my journey.

My Weight Loss Journey: I'm getting sidetracked, or better yet, for several months, I have been distracted, and now I'm not where I wanted to be by the end of the year, but it is not a denial. It's just a delay. 

I will say this for the record

"Don't allow anyone, and I mean anyone, to control your life and outcome." 

I will still Win in the Winning Life in spite of the distractions cause I allowed them, and now I have to refocus and get it together and not make the same mistakes again. 

I'm too old for this crap, and I would love to say more, but I can't 

Have a good one, stay up! 

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