Friday, December 8, 2023

Holiday Ready

Holiday Ready

Today, December 8, 2023, I will try to type my feelings out for you every day, regardless of what is happening and how I feel. This is better than social media; whoever reads this will find some humor, joy, bitterness, and genuine love...

I woke up excited because I managed to get 2 of my children on my day off, and we were going to have some fun. Instantly, with them riding in the car with me, I felt comfortable going across the lake, which I don't like, but today, I even came across it. I'm getting comfortable with my surroundings, conquering my fears, and taking charge of my life. 

We went into a shopping center/big box store, and a young lady, who is friends to their father's side of the family, saw us, and she made the statement, "He favored his father!"  We all smiled, and then they discovered the connection was close. We continued shopping and were stopped by the most joyful Jewish lady, 83 years old. My children were not taught to be mean or rude, so they allowed her to talk to them, and she made them laugh. Although I was looking for a bathroom, I didn't want to leave them with her, although they were adults. I knew it wouldn't take too much longer, and everyone would go to their respective places. We have had a wonderful day, and I hope this will be a day they cherish with great memories. 

I had yet to talk about my doctor's appointment and my new upgrade for an upcoming event. I hadn't had a bowel movement, and I noticed I was bloated. My doctor was concerned, but she listened to my belly and could tell my intestines were moving. I also told her I had been drinking less water than usual. I was right because today made up for yesterday. I am ready to get to my weight loss goal, but I'm only like this because I'm so close. I shouldn't be this way because I have come a long way, but nevertheless, it is easier said than done. 

Today, I upgraded my Christmas gift for myself to ensure my 11 o'clock does not show up more than they were showing...  I was cute too!!! 

You don't see it.... 

 Botox today...

No More Budda....

This is one of the best Christmas Gifts I could have given myself, but I couldn't have done it without my best supporter ... My husband!!! 

Be Good to One Another... 
Here's to the Winning Life that Continues to Win!!! 

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