Saturday, December 9, 2023

Saturday Reflection

 Saturday Reflection 

Today, we went to our favorite brunch hangout and had a delicious meal... 

We were finished, and we met another older couple that doesn't really know us but by association through family. Although they personally haven't done anything against us like some others have in the past, I found myself feeling like we needed to leave before we had to say anything to them, but with her warm and bubbly self, she made eye contact with the husband and began to smile. I returned a warm smile and replied, "Merry Christmas!" 

After coming home, I was reminded that she wasn't like some others in the church who take a rock and hide their hands or play on people's emotions to get what they want out of people.  We've encountered them in the past, and she truly meant to do good for others. I'm not saying I would like to be like her, but I would like for others to think of me as a beautiful person who tries to treat everyone like they are someone, and it doesn't matter where you see her. She is always the same. 

Once we were home, I received a phone call from a woman of God who had been trying to send me a message all week, but when she pressed send, it would reject the message she was trying to send. She took it upon herself with holy boldness to call me instead of trying to send it again. I received the message from the Holy Spirit because it was confirmation. I was thinking about playing my keyboard because I don't play like others who have been playing all their lives, I play well enough to keep the service going, and anything else is a bonus. I stopped playing when my brothers took over the piano, and my parents couldn't afford to keep paying for me to receive lessons, but I refused to give up. I must admit, with all the recent denials on the job, I felt this was another thing I needed to give up. After I got the call today, I'm comforted; I'm encouraged to keep going strong in the face of those who don't want to see me succeed. 

I'm not giving up on school, so I'm not giving up on this mission, either. 

I believe God has something in store for me, and I just have to keep the faith and walk it out with Him! 

I was made for this, and I will make it

The Winning Life that Continues to Win!!! 

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