Wednesday, December 6, 2023



Many people test the waters and don't understand that they are treading hard on your emotions. 

I don't know WHY I even keep allowing myself to be that person to allow people to step on those feelings.

I'm unsure WHY I don't stand up for myself and be like others who keep their positions due to them speaking out about injustice. 

I don't know WHY, even at this stage in my life. 

WHY am I repeating this cycle? 

I remember when I would call your hand concerning the mistreatment that I felt when you did anything to me, but nowadays, I allow it to continue and move around. 

Many would call it growth. 

Many call it being an adult. 

I think I'm selling out...

Things will change once I have completed the journey I'm working on. 

Many times in life, WE conform to how things are transpiring in our lives, whether it is good or bad. 

My Father would say, "When you have your head in the lion's mouth, just pat its head until you can get out!"

This is me in my current moment, and eventually, I will be out... 

I will win this journey ... 

I will not quit! 

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