Wednesday, October 23, 2019


I'm falling, heck I'm failing! 

I believe it is a trap and I think it has a lot of consequences to follow what will transpire if I continue on this road. 

Everything in life comes with a consequence and right now, I'm still falling for some candy and although it has only 70 calories. I'm eating more than the recommended amount. 

I find myself not wanted to eat at times but I will turn to this particular candy for the meal I should had so I'm thinking and it couldn't be but I think I'm right! 

I also must admit today, that I'm even falling for processed meats such as, ham & cheese loaf, smoked turkey. I was told that smoked turkey was good for me. 
I really believe it is the white bread is what is my bigger problem. 

I think the white bread is making me feel sluggish and making me feel really tired by the end of the day. 
My lunch is super early in the morning can you say 9 am and I would have just eaten breakfast around 7sh and not really hungry at all. I have turned to those processed meats to keep me in the loop instead of a protein shake. I'm sure that is what I should be drinking but I wanted some real food and this is all I can get and bring back with me during the time period that I'm granted from work.

What should I do? .............I need an I-N-T-E-RV-E-N-T-I-O-N!  

I think I'm going to change my bread selection and see if that makes me feel some better because it is a strain on me in the afternoon after work to get moving to exercise but once I keep moving it is the best choice I could have made. 

on the other day.............Looks like this: 

My morning meal is a bowl of oatmeal with 2 boiled eggs. 
My lunch is mainly a sandwich with mayo and bread. 
My dinner is suppose to be a protein shake but lately I admitting today that I have been eating past 6 P.M. 

Although, I'm not having any problems or any weight gain but I know I will! 

I went running after a long and dog tired day and I hit all my goals! 

I stepped out and got busy and it was a big success.........I will keep you posted on what will be New! 

I need an intervention!


Monday, October 14, 2019

Small Accomplishments

I'm super excited because I'm able to see my results of my hard work paying off! 

I haven't stepped on the scale in about a week or so but my clothes are telling me the story. 

I was introduced  to an APP that I was able to get on my phone called C25K!
( remember I'm not a doctor and I'm not telling you to try it and I'm not selling the app but just sharing my information)

I was afraid at first, a little skeptical but I decided that I would give it a try. Once I started in early August I could only run about 2 mph and that is with alternating with a walk 5 minute walk for a duration of 20 minutes. Let me show you what I'm doing now! 

It rained Friday, October 11, 2019 and that Saturday it was really cool and the weather has just been so beautiful and this is what I ended with! Do you see this I went from 2 mph to 5.2 mph and I'm doing this in 90 minutes for intervals of 6.

I'm so Proud of myself and it is working for me, I purchased a dress that I decided to wear and it was a perfect fit! 

I'm well on my way to the Winning Life 2k20! 

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Hello My Winning Life Family and Friends

I'm so excited because this time last year I was knocked off my feet and was in the hospital, eventually sitting at home under doctors orders and feeling the sense that I was losing my quality of life. 

If you have read my earlier post you will read that story but today is about 

~Conquering Life and I'm Celebrating Life!~ 

Today, is October 3, 2019 and I'm better this time than I was last year!

I'm 25 pounds smaller and I'm not just walking but I'm running too! 

I'm so proud of myself, I'm keeping close to those calories of 12,000 and I'm not just watching what I eat but I'm doing it all in moderation! 

As of Sunday September, 29, 2019 I'm officially 243 pounds and I'm on target! 

No, and let me Repeat!!!! NO, I didn't have the surgery and after some training and guidance from my support team members I'm still doing it all natural way. They are very supportive and remember they will stand with me even if I had tried but I called it off because I know that this is much better for me and it is a lifestyle change and I did not get big overnight and I recognize that it is a process that will take time but I'm more than half way my ultimate goal! 

I couldn't be more proud to know that for a whole year standing still and only losing a few pounds and gaining them back or just losing a few inches that I was really close. 

I'm keeping close tabs on the 12,000 calories but most of all I'm staying active more now than I did at first! I can do it and I will continue to do it and you can too! 

The Winning Life 2K20 still standing, still Strong! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Body Pains

I  have hurt myself and I don't know how I did it! 

All, I know I was jumping rope of Monday because the forecast was set for rain that afternoon after work and I don't really like going to the gym because so many people are waiting for equipment so I turn to nature but when nature is not being nice to me I enjoy jumping rope. 

Well, as I was saying I finally came to a place of rest and once I decided to bend this knee of mine just a little more to stand up a sharp pain hit it. I have bathed it in Epsom Salt Alcohol and Ben-gay trying to get everything ready for today. 

It has felt better but I've had to alternate pain medicine today to help me manage so I can stand without pain. 

I'm not stopping just slowing my roll until I can it heals a little better it does feel like I have twisted it but I'm not going to make a bill for this I will wait this one out.

I think I'm going for a slower walk than my usual run today until it heals in its entirety! 

I can't wait to get my protein shakes back started I have missed them but I'm not over eating either. 

I will get to see what tonight hold as far as pain and I will hit you back tomorrow on the 

Winning Life 2K19   

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Telling the Truth 

I  was sitting home talking to my husband and he was talking about how I keep moving even though I'm tired and I'm need to be in bed but instead of just getting in the bed. He see me put up a fight not to do the old things I use to do! 

See, when we first got married, I would be so tired from work that I would come home take a hot shower and crawl into bed and go to sleep. He would cook and wake me once dinner was finish and let me know it was on side of the bed. 

Now I Fight!!!! I really Fight!!!! I work for a school district and my job is very demanding and I must be on top of my game but doing that sometimes causes me to be mentally tired. 

My Husband said something to me on last night that was so meaningful..... 

You Worked Hard to get that Weight!!!!! 

                                              You have to Work Hard to Keep It OFF!!!!!!!!

                                                                                          AND you know what? He was so correct!  

Although, I didn't really noticed that I had worked hard to put the weight on over all those years but I didn't do anything either to make sure it wasn't on my body too! 

I ate what I wanted and never cared about the consequences it was doing to my health and to my body! 

I have finally unlock my mystery and I'm working on it everyday. Yes, again you will hear me say, that I work at it every day because it is a struggle. I have to chose wisely everyday what is the best things for me to eat. 

Lately, I have needed a light in color drink because I have been having trouble with my stomach and my stress levels has been really high since school started back in session. 

I literally run, jog, jump rope or just dance around with high intensity to make sure my heart rate is up to make sure I'm doing my part to ensure I'm not gaining and that whatever I'm eating that I'm burning more than I'm eating. 

I keep it real with me and I don't allow others to dictate to me concerning my health! 

Be Good to One Another The Newer Winning Life 2K19 Signing Out! 

Sunday, July 14, 2019

It's a No Go!

I'm sure you thought I had given up on weight loss completely but I come to let you know that I haven't and I must say, I have missed telling my story!
My struggle for complete and total success story is coming and trying to overcome some battles within! I wouldn't believe that I have to work twice as hard now to finish getting the weight off and I must admit I wasn't ready mentally for that.
My mental state as of present is positive and can't wait to continue to the next chapter in my weight loss. I'm getting a lot of tips from my husband, my son and others that knows you have to work extra hard to accomplish what I'm trying to do!
I welcome you to come and go with me on this journey and I promise to stick with it and do my very best to conquer my fears and meet my expectation.
I welcome you to cry, and get stronger with each passing minute that you are working on the new you as I work on the new me!
I welcome you to change your diet and see your physician to monitor your success. I welcome you to struggle and feel as though you are not getting lighter but you feel larger. I welcome you to work out twice a day. I welcome you treat yourself and not think that it is all work and no play you can have what you want just in moderation.
I welcome you to have the experience of a lifetime with a lifetime of change and commitment!
The Winning Life on the road to 2020!
I Got this and You do Too let's do it together!
I will see you soon!
The Winning Life on the road to 2020 is in it to Win! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Last Night cravings was terrible! 

I didn't over do it but heaven knows that I really hated to do it! 

I'm on this 1,200 calorie diet and on yesterday I didn't meet those goals. When I got home it was late and I don't like eating after 6 but for some unknown around 2 AM I was so hungry that I had to get up and feed that craving. I didn't eat much just enough to pull the hunger off my body.  I had a 1/2 of boneless Teriyaki chicken and one small spoon full of progress chicken noodle soup. I drank a bottle of lemon flavored water and I was able to lay down and go back to sleep. 

I don't think I harmed myself to bad seeing that was really light! 

I realized that if you don't eat the proper amount of food that you will result in eating a very late to early snack morning snack. 

Today will be better as far as making sure I eat the proper amount of food. 

I will continue to work out hard like I have in the past couple of weeks but I will not allow my cravings nor not eating enough to tackle me! 

I'm Living 

12 pound down! 

The Winning Life 2019  

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Holding It Down

Hello My Winning Life Family and Friends,

I'm doing really well and I'm holding it down! Although, the scale is saying 263 I'm maintaining a healthy goal. I'm now down 11 pounds and I feel much better! I'm also on a 12,000 calorie diet plan and I eat more protein than I do carbs. I'm not saying I don't eat them just in moderation for sure. 

I once was told that you really need them but I found out the hard way that I can really live without them, as a matter of fact I gained weight! Now, I believe the moderation more and more. 

I'm so excited that the inches are falling back off and I'm getting back into some of my clothing that I really did enjoy seeing myself in. 

Can you say "I have wiggle room!"

Super excited and I can't wait to show you! 

The New and Improved Winning Life 2019! 

Watch me Work! 

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the Winning Life Journey of 2019! 

When I published my last blog in October 2018, I was 264 pounds and I said what the heck and did it up BIG gaining approximately 15 pounds over the holiday especially Thanksgiving. I decided to eat whatever I wanted and by Christmas I could tell the difference. I must admit my body was letting me know everyday that I had over did it! 

I knew better but I didn't do any better and now it is costing me big time!  

I've been back to the doctor to work on a goal for 2019 and NOW I have a PLAN! 

In my past experience you always need to start off with a plan of action. When I didn't plan I failed and that wasn't good for my health. 

Get you a PLAN! 

I'm going to share my plan with you! 

I'm on a 1,200 calorie diet - high protein, low carbs diet, I have never been a sugar queen so this will not affect me about the sugar, no soda's. 

I'm also watching my portion as well and I find myself  measuring out my food and meal prepping the day or night before to make sure I have the correct amount of food to eat day to day. 

I can see its already working because my stomach is shrinking and I'm getting fuller quicker than in time past and I'm super excited about that! 

I workout daily 10,000/11,500 or 5 miles a day! 

I have a friend girl that comes along with me for now! 
She is happy because she too is seeing some difference in her goals that she has started for herself. 

Now Don't Procrastinate ................Get Your Plan Today! ...................Stick to It!!!!!!!!!!

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!




Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...