Friday, December 9, 2022

Looking Thinner

I want to continue to inspire myself to be the best me possible. Today I wanted to share a recent photo of what 35 pounds looks like on me. I want to reflect on where I have come from and where I'm going and here's to me changing in the right direction. 
35 pounds lighter and I feel great. I'm working on me and here's to 50/50...

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Getting Closer December 2022

I'm reminded of what the new me will look like. Today 5 months into my Mounjaro journey I am officially 35 pounds lighter. I finally started having some but very brief symptoms of constipation but an apple, a day to keep the doctor away, and an increase in my green veggies was what I needed to get back on track. I am at 265 and I will start my new 12.5 mg shot next week. I'm drinking plenty of water because sometimes I am very dry or thirsty. It doesn't appear that I will make 50/50 but I'm going to work extra hard over the next several weeks to drop another 15 pounds. I believe if I increase the workouts it could work. We will see if I'm correct I will let you know in 2023.
See you soon the winning life is still pursuing get dreams of a healthier life.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Coming into 4 months..

I can't believe the changes I'm experiencing and I'm super proud. I just want to share this recent photo of myself. 2 months ago I started a new job and I wanted to be healthier me. I'm coming into my year of jubilee (50) and I wanted something extra special for me and now three and half months later I am excited of the continued changes and progress I'm making.
I'm working on me...

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Things are Changing

The Slight Change 

I have been on my New50 weight loss journey and there are some changes that I have noticed about myself. 

First, I have noticed once again that with a much smaller bathroom than the one we had a first it is easier to get in and out the bathroom. 

Second, change is I'm able to get back in my older smaller clothes that I couldn't get in during the pandemic and post pandemic. 

Thirdly, I noticed in our new home we have stairs and I used to hold the banister but now I don't have to hold it anymore and the climb is so much better. I actually like walking them. 

I have noticed on the 7.5 that I'm eating less and making better choices and drinking lots of water. I have not gotten really sick on this dose because I have learned or should I say I'm learning how to eat less and be happy with the choices I make throughout the day! 

I'm very proud of myself not sure if I have loss any weight because this is just the first week with the new dose but if it changes I will let you know. 

The highlight of this day is that I spoke with my cousin from St. Louis and she informed me that she can tell from pictures posted on social media that I'm losing weight and I couldn't be more pleased and happy to hear that Great News!!! 

New 50 Challenge because I have a new outlook on my Weight Loss Journey!! 

I'll Keep You Posted, See You Next Time!!! 


Thursday, October 20, 2022

New Month New Start

I have officially started 7.5 this week. My last visit mt blood pressure was elevated. I was placed back on my blood pressure medication until I'm a little smaller. I think my blood pressure was elevated due to the lack of water.  I have purchased a 48 Oz of water bottle to help combat the lack of water and as of today it seems to be working and I'm enjoying drinking water. I am very excited that I feel very hydrated now and I can't wait to see where I land on the new dose.
The life that WINS...see you next time!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

3 Month and counting...

10/13/2022, I had my 3-month check-in... Although, I took the last of my 5mg shot this morning. I had a follow-up, and I was 8 more pounds smaller for a grand total of 22 pounds of weight loss on Mounjaro. I'm having issues of drinking the recommended amounts of water but of course who doesn't. I started my protein shakes and trying to figure out how much to eat without over eating is still a struggle but I'm maintaining so I want get constipated. My blood pressure this visit was a little high, but I'm to keep it monitoring it. When I got home I took 2 Tylenol and went to sleep and I feel much better I will check it tomorrow and I'm sure it will be better. Being on Mounjaro is almost as if I had the lap band surgery but better. I hope this treatment never ends for people who would like this alternative....
I'm still working on me, and I will start some weight training coming up because I want to look even better by January...
 .                   Now and July 2022 
In the words of my husband that I love dearly...I see less of you!!!!
                                         The winning life 2k22 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

2 Month Check-in

Weight Loss Journey Check-In

 September 29, 2022 

I decided to check-in because it has been over a week since I check-in and I want to know what is going on with me... I'm not sure how many times I will come in and share with you my weight but just know I'm keeping up with me!!! 

I took my second shot on 5mg of Mounjaro today and I have been asked by my doctor to weigh in on those days. 

Today, I weighed in at 282 and I'm not sure how much I have lost but I can tell the difference in my clothing and they are just falling off like the fall leaves. 

I'm very proud of myself and keeping up with things... 

My eating habits are really down and I have been mostly eating fruits, water and protein shakes. 

I have tasted some veggies and they have a great taste and I'm okay...

I have had some problems with my BM being kind a hard but it was not to bad. I've had to increase the water intake more and that is a plus for me and my skin complexion. I've learned not to over eat and not to eat to get full but to kill maybe the hunger pains if any. 

I can't wait to see my doctor in the middle of the month of October to see how much I have lost but I'm sure I will not disappoint once again. 

14/15 pounds last month anticipating the same results coming up!!! 

See you Soon,  The Winning Life Continues!!! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Checking In

Today, I started my 5mg Mounjaro and I weighed and I'm so excited to say I'm down another 5 pounds. I weighed in at 283, and I tried something new today and I can't wait to find more at the supermarket. I know you want to know what it is? 
It is FairLife Protein Shakes. 
I was gifted a chocolate flavored one and OH My Goodness...I love it!!!!
I will not weigh in again until this series of the 5mg Mounjaro is over so I will catch you next time...
Winning Life 2K22 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Check Up Time

I shared in my earlier post that I had an appointment today and although I was skeptical about Mounjaro I can say I'm a believer. I was 302 and today I am down 14 pounds and I'm getting stronger. I set a goal of 5,000 steps in August and I surpassed the goal and I'm walking about 10,000 steps a day. I am having some nausea and I'm working on my reflux. Overall I feel great and my doctor was very pleased. I will be going up to 5mg of Mounjaro and I go back and see the doctor in another month. I will keep you posted and I'm working on me ... The winning life 2k22 and beyond!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2022

How I'm doing

Disclaimer....I'm NOT doctor...just sharing my journey with you!! 

If this is something you want to try please go and seek medical advice...

I started taking Mounjaro August 26, 2022 and after much research and speaking with my physician we thought this would be a great way outside of surgery to help me get the weight off. Post COVID and for the betterment of my health. What is Mounjaro is a new weight loss drug that helps your pancreas to break down your food better and it also makes you feel full with also working on your mind not to over eat...I was taught by my physician how it works because I have to give myself a shot in the recommended areas on my body. I'm on my third shot at a dose of 2.5mg and I must admit I'm not eating as much and I also try and eat as much protein as I can because once you are full you are full and you can't eat anymore for the day. I'm drinking lots of water because I'm thirsty but not overly. I am eating lots of fruit because it helps to sustain me when I'm hungry but can only eat a bit or two...recently I have fallen in love with pudding because it is only 100 calories and it is healthy for me when I can't eat solid foods. I truly feel as if I have gotten a gastric bypass or sleeve surgery. I only have a small window where I can eat and if I over eat my stomach will let me know or I will get nauseous, so I watch it.
I have a doctors appointment coming up September 13. I know I'm already losing weight those that know what's going on can see small changes. lastly, I heard from the doctor and she told me I had already loss 4 pounds and that was in the first week. I'm working on me...
The winning life 2022...
Fat Face Photo taken July 2022...

Working On Me 2022

In several months with God's blessing I will be celebrating 50 years of life. No it hasn't been easy and I've had some health concerns and challenges along the way but God has been good to me!!!
I have been on many weight loss journey's and have done very well to loss over 100 pounds. We have had what has been call a dreadful virus called COVID that has taken so many people from this world to the next. I'm thanking God that I wasn't one that wasn't taken and I have another opportunity for life.
That being said I want to be better. I want to be healthier once again. I want to feel good when I wake up and I want to have lots of energy and I had that before the Virus came and now I'm doing something about it ...
Follow me once again to the winning life 2022 into 2023 and let's see where we will be in the end....I'm still working on me ...
The winning life 2022...

August 2022

I have heard of Mounjaro and I see how many are doing well on this new weight loss journey. I had the opportunity to start during the ending of May of 2022 but I didn't think it would be the best thing for me. 
First, I thought it would be expensive and I knew with the cost of inflation that it wouldn't be the right thing for me or my family. Second, I hadn't done my research and I wasn't sure if this was something that was good for my body. Yes, had I heard about in the News...Yes!! Had I read about it in media last journal's  ... Yes but not in great detail. I thought it would be best if I just waited my turn and see what I could do.
Thirdly, after waiting and seeing so many different results I have decided to try it!!!
In the next post I will talk about what it is and the affects I'm experiencing if any!!!
I'm working on me....
The Winning Life Continues....

Monday, June 13, 2022

Slight Difference

  There is a slight change... 

First of all I will admit that I didn't think I had it in me and my mind had to change. 

I didn't want to do this again and I really thought it was useless. The question come 

back up as I would call them "The Doubting Statements!" 

This is going to be hard work, This is going to be harder than the first time, do you 

really have what it takes to be successful this time around. People are going to be 

talking about you again if you get to small and I had to put all those negative 

statements out of my head because it didn't gain me nothing but more time on the 

couch, rocking chair or bed and never moving this body. 

It is going to be a little harder but I have the skills inside of me to get moving and 

changing the way I have eaten since the pandemic. I'm determine and I have seen 

some noticeable changes in how much I eat. 

I have to be a healthier me for me and no one else. 

This is not for fame or glory, nor is it for my spouse nor my children but this is for 

me and this is how I can show them that I care about myself and that I love me 

and that is to get moving and not hanging out with the bad things in my life. 

I have to LIVE and I can't give up... I might fall but I will get up and try again 

tomorrow and the next day!!! 

Keep walking with me as I keep walking for myself!!!

Six Months and Counting

 Six Months and Counting 

There comes and time in a person's life that they realized the true definition of weight loss and the journey you will take all your life unless you have weight loss surgery and even with the surgery your life style has to change or it will be for nothing. 

I have decided to go on another adventure through my weight loss process. I realized today that my other blog winninglife2017.blogspot is still fully able to access so if you want to see the younger version and what I did. 

Look for me over on that page. 

Nevertheless, I'm coming on another milestone in my life and I want to ensure that my body, mind and spirit is ready for this next chapter of my life so here are somethings I have realized about myself. 

I was at the peak of my weight loss and several things changed: 

1. I let what others thought of me change the way I looked at weight loss - I forgot it was about me. 

2. The covid-19 virus came to the USA and I stopped doing any exercise in fear that I would get sick and I succumb to staying home and eating whatever I could find. 

Basically, all of the bad habits I had just came back and I went back to being an emotional eater. 

Sometimes life comes in and sucker punches you in the face and some things in life you can't just shake off but I kept fighting. 

I knew I was in trouble when the following things started happening: 

1. I wanted and smoke a few cigarettes.         2. I wanted fountain drinks.  

3. No real food in my diet ...                       

4.  I was eating out more than eating a proper cooked meal at home...

5. I wasn't enjoying life; life was handling me! 

My life changed when I could honestly ask myself the questions Why? and the reasons were in my face. I literally got nausea and sick at my stomach and life became evident. Where had all of the 154 pounds I had lost go and why was life handling me so rough. 

I had to take control of what is most important to me and that is MY HEALTH. 

My Journey has begun and I'm down 5lbs as of today and I can't wait to see how far I can go... 

60 pounds and counting continues... 

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...