Sunday, December 31, 2023

Good Bye 2023

How can I sum up 2023 other than Amazing?

I'm grateful for everything that happened in 2023. I have experienced many joys, deep hurts, and pains. 

I have accomplished a lot, all while going through many adversities. I have seen many things that remind me to keep pressing towards my goals and don't stop for anyone. 

I have made many new connections and what I consider friendship for life. I have made many close connections that could have led me astray, but I kept my cool and made sure I remained focused on the main goal. 

I can't believe the reconnection of a family dynamic that I thought was gone, but I always say, "God has a sense of humor, and he laughs at us." 

I'm celebrating all of the friends that I made, even through this blog, and you go with me through my ups and downs. You have always been right here, and I have felt your prayers; I have felt your hurt with me as I went through. 

I must admit that I have been out celebrating 2023 here at the end of the year, and I haven't traveled with my laptop, but let me tell you: You have been on my mind. 

I'm under the weather, I didn't test positive for COVID, but I believe I had a touch of the flu. I will not be out in the air because I have to be back at work when this holiday is over, but just know that I am thinking of you in the new year. 

At my last doctor's appointment, I smiled because I lost an additional four (4) pounds 

Let me say this, to sum up, 2023, 

THANK YOU for the winning life, love, and support. 

With you, I managed to get all of this completed. 

Monday, December 11, 2023


 Today is the day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it!!! 


Life has indeed been lifing. 

I got up and received several text messages saying, " You are gone! 

I'm Screaming inside because I just couldn't believe it was true. 

I didn't want to get up and go to work, but now I just want to stay in bed. 

I made my way to my closet to get the prepared clothes for work together and get ready for work, and before I knew it, tears fell from my face. 

I Screamed and threw my hands up because YOU (God) are the only help I know!!! 

The pain of losing you, a dear friend, is heartbreaking... 

Everyone has to deal with this news, and I am not okay, but I will with time.

Man, I heard the song say this morning, "The Sun is going to Shine if I hold out!" but as I saw the sun as I was coming to work, all I could possibly think about was that I was gloomy and sad.

Today, I must encourage myself in the Word of God

Today, I must keep focused that God is my strength 

Today, I must remind myself that you will always and forever be Loved 

It hurts so bad to lose a Good Friend 

I have made some new friends, but I have lost a Celebrity 

Everyone in our circle and out of our circle knows your name... 

As I close, let me be comforted in knowing that God knows your name, and now you are with him along with your mom, dad, and brother that you took care of. 

This part of the country in Arkansas will never be the same... 

I will keep you posted on final arrangements, I can only imagine the people who will be in attendance. 

Lord, help everyone understand and take comfort in knowing the legacy he leaves behind is a work well done. 

Help us Lord, I will have tears all day... this hurts so bad

Sunday, December 10, 2023

It's Never Easy

I'll be seeing you in all of the familiar places... 
It's never easy Saying, "See you later!"... 
I haven't said anything because it is still so fresh. The moment in November, I was called, and they told me you were gone. I mustered up the courage and kept going to my mom's for Thanksgiving. The phone calls that I had to make while driving were tough, and the tears came down my face just knowing you were not here with us anymore. 
I was reminded of your words, which you would sometimes tell me, "Death was Sweet!" 
2 Corinthians 2:15-17 The Passion Translation TPT

We have become the unmistakable aroma of the victory of the Anointed One to God —a perfume of life to those being saved and the odor of death to those who are perishing. The unbelievers smell a deadly stench that leads to death, but believers smell the life-giving aroma that leads to abundant life. And who of us can rise to this challenge? Unlike so many, we are not peddlers of God’s Word who water down the message. We are those sent from God with pure motives who speak in the sight of God from our union with Christ.

I understood it more in the days to come, and you wanted to remind me it was well with your soul when God called for you. You would be ready, and I'm comforted because you made your calling sure. 

I miss our phone calls and will miss Christmas and all other special holidays. I will miss You checking me out on social media. I will miss you calling after seeing something I would have posted either something about the church or the children (grown folk), and you would have asked about them. 

Now all of our special moments are full and filled with precious memories. 

It's Never Easy, 
but with the 


Happy Sunday

 Happy Sunday Everyone, 

Some people say it is the best day of the week for them, but truthfully, every day is a good day of the week. I like the fellowship with others throughout the week. When I get to church on Sundays, it is an added plus to see those I haven't been able to see since last week.  

I have been thinking about my mother lately, and I have decided since I know she has hinted she wanted a particular brand of purse, and since I have one that I'm not really crazy about, she can have it. I continued brainstorming, concluding that I could keep my bag (lol). I also realize that she can have it because I have something else that is coming that I really want, and furthermore, I know she will not ever purchase one for herself, so let me send her some love for the holiday. Although I know she isn't getting me anything, it is not really about her, but she is welcome to it! 

The service was good; one of our new associate ministers will be bringing his Genesis message next Sunday at 3 o'clock, and we couldn't be more proud of him. I know that our pastor's wife is excited because it is her youngest brother, and he has been through so much because he is also a Veteran and has fought for the United States.  I'm sure he has a Word from Heaven next week, and I'm anticipating something Good! 

I began this morning thinking that I was going to wear what I wore for Thanksgiving to church, but when I began to put my pants on, I realized that they were not what I wore. The style was totally different (smiling). I put my shirt on and realized that it was not what I wore for Thanksgiving either (laughing). The hairstyle that I wore today is not the same as what I wore for Thanksgiving (lmbo). 

I was laughing at myself, and it ended up being something

I put it together. 
I'm usually cold in church, but today, I was warm because I selected the right combination, and I think it turned out alright. 
I must give photo credit to the hubby; thank you!!! 
I will close by letting you know that I love watching Sunday Night Football...

Enjoy the Rest of your Sunday... 
The Winning Life that Continues to Win in Every Aspect of Life!!! 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Saturday Reflection

 Saturday Reflection 

Today, we went to our favorite brunch hangout and had a delicious meal... 

We were finished, and we met another older couple that doesn't really know us but by association through family. Although they personally haven't done anything against us like some others have in the past, I found myself feeling like we needed to leave before we had to say anything to them, but with her warm and bubbly self, she made eye contact with the husband and began to smile. I returned a warm smile and replied, "Merry Christmas!" 

After coming home, I was reminded that she wasn't like some others in the church who take a rock and hide their hands or play on people's emotions to get what they want out of people.  We've encountered them in the past, and she truly meant to do good for others. I'm not saying I would like to be like her, but I would like for others to think of me as a beautiful person who tries to treat everyone like they are someone, and it doesn't matter where you see her. She is always the same. 

Once we were home, I received a phone call from a woman of God who had been trying to send me a message all week, but when she pressed send, it would reject the message she was trying to send. She took it upon herself with holy boldness to call me instead of trying to send it again. I received the message from the Holy Spirit because it was confirmation. I was thinking about playing my keyboard because I don't play like others who have been playing all their lives, I play well enough to keep the service going, and anything else is a bonus. I stopped playing when my brothers took over the piano, and my parents couldn't afford to keep paying for me to receive lessons, but I refused to give up. I must admit, with all the recent denials on the job, I felt this was another thing I needed to give up. After I got the call today, I'm comforted; I'm encouraged to keep going strong in the face of those who don't want to see me succeed. 

I'm not giving up on school, so I'm not giving up on this mission, either. 

I believe God has something in store for me, and I just have to keep the faith and walk it out with Him! 

I was made for this, and I will make it

The Winning Life that Continues to Win!!! 

Friday, December 8, 2023

Holiday Ready

Holiday Ready

Today, December 8, 2023, I will try to type my feelings out for you every day, regardless of what is happening and how I feel. This is better than social media; whoever reads this will find some humor, joy, bitterness, and genuine love...

I woke up excited because I managed to get 2 of my children on my day off, and we were going to have some fun. Instantly, with them riding in the car with me, I felt comfortable going across the lake, which I don't like, but today, I even came across it. I'm getting comfortable with my surroundings, conquering my fears, and taking charge of my life. 

We went into a shopping center/big box store, and a young lady, who is friends to their father's side of the family, saw us, and she made the statement, "He favored his father!"  We all smiled, and then they discovered the connection was close. We continued shopping and were stopped by the most joyful Jewish lady, 83 years old. My children were not taught to be mean or rude, so they allowed her to talk to them, and she made them laugh. Although I was looking for a bathroom, I didn't want to leave them with her, although they were adults. I knew it wouldn't take too much longer, and everyone would go to their respective places. We have had a wonderful day, and I hope this will be a day they cherish with great memories. 

I had yet to talk about my doctor's appointment and my new upgrade for an upcoming event. I hadn't had a bowel movement, and I noticed I was bloated. My doctor was concerned, but she listened to my belly and could tell my intestines were moving. I also told her I had been drinking less water than usual. I was right because today made up for yesterday. I am ready to get to my weight loss goal, but I'm only like this because I'm so close. I shouldn't be this way because I have come a long way, but nevertheless, it is easier said than done. 

Today, I upgraded my Christmas gift for myself to ensure my 11 o'clock does not show up more than they were showing...  I was cute too!!! 

You don't see it.... 

 Botox today...

No More Budda....

This is one of the best Christmas Gifts I could have given myself, but I couldn't have done it without my best supporter ... My husband!!! 

Be Good to One Another... 
Here's to the Winning Life that Continues to Win!!! 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023



Many people test the waters and don't understand that they are treading hard on your emotions. 

I don't know WHY I even keep allowing myself to be that person to allow people to step on those feelings.

I'm unsure WHY I don't stand up for myself and be like others who keep their positions due to them speaking out about injustice. 

I don't know WHY, even at this stage in my life. 

WHY am I repeating this cycle? 

I remember when I would call your hand concerning the mistreatment that I felt when you did anything to me, but nowadays, I allow it to continue and move around. 

Many would call it growth. 

Many call it being an adult. 

I think I'm selling out...

Things will change once I have completed the journey I'm working on. 

Many times in life, WE conform to how things are transpiring in our lives, whether it is good or bad. 

My Father would say, "When you have your head in the lion's mouth, just pat its head until you can get out!"

This is me in my current moment, and eventually, I will be out... 

I will win this journey ... 

I will not quit! 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Welcome to December

 Welcome to December Everyone, 

It has been a little while since I posted things because I have been swamped. I lost another family member that I was close to, but I understand what heartbreak can do for you. Especially if you truly love that person. He was 84 years old, and his wife was apparently 20 years younger than him, from what I was told when his health started declining. She said she didn't sign up for this, but I thought when you marry someone, you make a vow that says in sickness and health for better or worse. I was very disappointed when she left him, and his sons had to take over and take care of him in the end. It has been challenging to know this information, to watch things take place, and to see him in his final state, lying in his pretty blue casket that it seems he had picked out for himself with the help and assistance of his sister. 

Furthermore, I have some other things I would like to share, but it will have to wait until I'm home and on my own computer. After all, the workplace is not the place to share my laundry because so many people think it is nice to look over my back and read what I'm doing on my computer. 

No Privacy!!!!

I don't care for it, but it is what it is. 

I hope everyone will have a Wonderful Christmas; I'm excited about that... 

I need to refocus on myself and my journey.

My Weight Loss Journey: I'm getting sidetracked, or better yet, for several months, I have been distracted, and now I'm not where I wanted to be by the end of the year, but it is not a denial. It's just a delay. 

I will say this for the record

"Don't allow anyone, and I mean anyone, to control your life and outcome." 

I will still Win in the Winning Life in spite of the distractions cause I allowed them, and now I have to refocus and get it together and not make the same mistakes again. 

I'm too old for this crap, and I would love to say more, but I can't 

Have a good one, stay up! 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Today is Thankful Thursday, October 16, 2023...

I'm thankful for the people who bring life, love, and purpose to it. I can't name all of them because sometimes they are not aware they're being used, and at this point, I don't want to make them aware. 

Thank You... 

I have been told that I could not do something or I could not do certain things. I have been told that I didn't qualify, but I'm Thankful it was not a denial or a sentence I could not re-write. The only thing in life you can not do over is death, and that is not an option for me in my current state of mind. 

I have seen many losses in my life, and I think of all the things they could have been only if they had taken the measures to make sure they were healthy, but I'm glad that I took that leap. I'm glad my support system has had my back, but I'm more thankful that I listened and had the transformation in my mind to do something about it! 

I watched myself on my doorbell camera some time ago and didn't like what I saw. "What did I see?" I'm glad you asked. First, I was able to see myself from the back, and I could tell that I was an extra-large woman maybe about 268 when I last saw an image of myself from the camera; I needed to use the handrails for balance because I was actually afraid to walk up and down without assistance, to be honest. 

Today, I'm thankful because I don't look like what I have been through concerning. Weight loss, and actually, when I saw the new camera view of me, I'm pleased with who I'm becoming. I had a lot of luggage this morning and surprised myself with the image. You see yourself every day, and when people start talking, I don't want to listen, but I do understand why they are saying what they are because it is out of love. 


Friday, November 10, 2023



Recently, I have been traveling outside my norms. It is always good to get a change of scenery or test the waters to see if things are improving or worse in our world. 

I feel a certain way in my life in the late 50s era that continues to be a constant no matter my upbringing. I would not see things this way, but it is ever-present. I was born in the Delta Region and have seen the small-town syndrome. 

What is that you ask? 

1. People in the town only stick to the people and families they have known for life and do not want outsiders in the mix. 

2. It is hard to get ahead in those places because they hire those they are familiar with before they hire outside of their race, or they will place someone in other places who maybe have some or really no experience in that department but tell you they are qualified for the position. When you are aware that they're not. 

3. You could get hired, but they only give you enough time to pay a few bills but nothing that is substantial for a real quality of life. 

You can do everything to be professional and make others feel valued and respected, look the part, and make things better for the department because God has gifted you for most tasks. 

They can tell you that you are valued, but when the rubber meets the road, it is not true, and they begin to make up all kinds of excuses in order to keep you in a place. They might even give you things or tips to make you feel that that makes a difference, but it doesn't. 

I'm trying very hard to stay positive, but I'm continuing with my plans for my life because I believe that God is guiding my FOOTSTEPS to BETTER. 

I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread ... 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Breast Cancer Awareness

Pink Out Day...
                           I'm a Conqueror...
I don't share with others mostly about battle with Breast Cancer Health issues. 
I found out when I was heavy. I was not along with many others that have tested positive. I thought my world had come to an end but more so stopped. My husband and I decided that we would only share with the children and my dad concerning what we were headed to face. I had my procedure and they got all of the bad tissues and cells and my breast was tagged to show that area for future scans. I was also taught about the issue of weight loss because I was becoming a high risk of having more breast issues. A more reality to keep my weight off and prayerfully stay off.
Today, I salute all women that have conquered, that are going through it right now, those that will be faced with the test and those that lost their battle. 
Everyone have won the Victory!!! 

Heartbeats 💓

Who I'm going to be...Skinny 
I'm loving Who I am becoming, it is good to hear your adult children reminisce on their large frame mom, noticing that she wasn't healthy but now she is beautiful, and now she is on the right side. 
I'm glad they have watched my journey and they have supported my endeavors in every way possible. I love them, and they love me 

Today I salute my children, my other heartbeats and my day ones.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Support, Love & Weight Loss

 Support, Love & Weight Loss 

What does support do for you while on this weight loss journey? 
I'm glad you ask... 

Support is someone who helps you stay accountable concerning your goals, not their goals for you, but the GOALS YOU SET FOR YOURSELF!!! 
This is very important to your success while trying to achieve what you want as a goal.
My support team and I learned this the hard way. 

Everyone has good intentions, but how you carry out the plan of action will be one that you will need to ensure you follow. 
If your support team decides that you need to walk 2 miles and you are only ready for 1 mile, then you are defeating the purpose, and you risk the chance of not doing anything at all. 

Your support team is just what it is: SUPPORT!!! 

You don't need them telling you things concerning your progress and how to do it. 

First, let them know that you respect their willingness to help you, but the only thing you need from them is to encourage you to keep going even when you fall on your face. 

Today, I want to shout out this fellow ... My HUSBAND!!!

We started this journey together back in 2016, and we have learned a lot. 

From meal prepping, 
To Exercising 
From Emergency Room Visits 
To Living Our Best 

We don't always get it right even now, but he has worked hard with me to make sure that whatever my desire is, he is cheering me on, even if that means he is in the Blechers, on the Sidelines, or even in the Grit and the Thick of things. 

The Hard MUD!!!! 

I love him with all my heart, and I'm grateful because he wanted the best for me even when I was 385... 

I told him, "I didn't do this for him." I did it for ME!  in a discussion that we were engaged in concerning my progress and seeing some success. 
Although he was disappointed when I made the statement, in the depths of his soul, He continued to love me. 
If I didn't have him as my support 
I would have given up!!! 

Thanks, guys, for allowing me to shower love on him and continue to read and reflect on this journey with you!!! 

This is healing for me, and I hope this is healing for you as well.

Although You share in my success to the Winning Life that Continues to Win!!! 


Monday, October 9, 2023

Where Do We Go From Here

Where Do We Go From Here 

Many Things have taken place since the loss of my uncle, and although I recognize that he is in a better place, the thoughts of other loved ones that have passed before him have recently flooded my mind. 

I don't want to place myself in a state of depression, but this has really done another number to my family. 
We say, "God doesn't put more on us than we can bear!" but it doesn't feel good.
Life is what we make it ... 

I have recently stepped out of my element, and I have applied for a job that I'm very qualified to do; I finished step 3 of 3, and now I sit and wait to hear what the results will be. 

I would like to have this job because I don't have any insurance, and my medications are kicking my butt. I know what you are saying, "You are 50 years old and don't have health insurance!" 

I wouldn't accept a job without those requirements, and I don't understand how the state is getting away with not even asking if you would like to have it, although you are part-time.   
It should be the choice of the one who is willing to give up their check in order to have health insurance. 
Well, the next question is how they will live without a check, but I'm here to tell you the Lord will make a way!!! 

I see so many people in this world without, and it is people of color and other minorities that find themselves in. It is not fair, but I see this reality every day... 

Wish me luck, and I hope I get the job, and if I don't, I did try, which is half the battle. 

I took this picture to remind me that it does snow in September & October, and it doesn't have to be cold outside to see that things are changing. 

The Leaves are Changing 
The Weather is Changing 
Life itself is bringing a Change... 

My Life is Changing 
My Health is Changing For the Better

I Cannot Go Back... 
Welcome to the Continued Life that Wins!!! 


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Measure of Life

Measure of LIFE 

"The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor"

When I think of my Uncle Tucker and see what his lasting legacy has now become, it is an honor knowing that he has done exactly what he desired to do and more than most people would have even thought especially for a little ole town down in the Dirty Delta. 

I wouldn't have even imagined the lives my Uncle touched and seeing how the community embraced my family during these difficult days and days ahead has been nothing but heartfelt and loving. 

My Uncle was a staple in the community and in the job he held since the age of 22 and remained there for 50-plus years. I remember him coming by my Kindergarten class when I was 5 years old and most of the students in my class thought he was my father at first until I made the correction. 

I remembered being proud that he was coming by although, he wasn't coming to check on me but he was checking on the teacher who later had a daughter by him. 
Yes, he was courting and he was good at it... LOL 

It never stopped him from doing for his family or even for other people. I found out that my Uncle had worked for the only Black Funeral Home since he was 16 years old and so many people knew him even from that line of work. 

I remember people would say to me, "Tucker Tatum the Undertaker" is your Uncle and I didn't know if that was supposed to be a good thing or not but I was proud to say YES!!! 

I didn't have a lot of trouble growing up because most of the people in the city know that my family lineage comes from hard-working and stable family values and ethics. If we can't do the task it is not for the sake of not trying. 

I believe we still have that embedded in our DNA

I have been going through many deaths this since July of many of my family and a special friend but this one here hit me a little differently. 

My Father shared something with me this week that I wasn't aware of and he asked the youngest brother to keep it to himself until after everything was finished.  
The Youngest Brother HONORED HIS REQUEST and my father shared it with and now I have a more profound RESPECT for my Uncle even in death. 

He wasn't a man who would have ever wanted people to see him as weak and sickly but a strong man... 

I love you Uncle Tucker and Thanks for Everything you did for me when I was younger to help shape and mold me into the woman I am today. 

Your impartation into my life will always be dear to me and it will resonate in my heart forever.  

Rest Well Uncle 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Long Ago

Long Ago ...
I look like the woman in this picture...
 I remember when I took the picture and I can't believe that this picture was found in the arsenal of the many pictures and I couldn't believe it was even there.
I was happy and was enjoying life but my health sucked, I was on blood pressure medication and I couldn't even walk half a mile, I couldn't even walk to the end of the driveway.  
I tried with some support but ended up in the hospital for several hours because my body was not ready for that reality. I began pursuing learning what I needed to do to fight for my life.  
It has taken me many years to get to the person you see in front of you and I didn't give up I want you to continue to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving to the life that continues to Win! 

Measuring Up

Measuring Up

When I took this picture I was most likely 222 or 219. I truly couldn't believe that I was almost there but life happened and I struggled the next couple of weeks because I had a really good friend and later on in the month my uncle passed away. 
I realized that retail therapy is not a good thing for me to do when I'm dealing with things of this nature. 
I must admit that eating my way into a situation is not good therapy either. 
I will report, that I did okay, I must admit I did better than okay I have lost some more weight. 

I have learned, that life will bring you some ups and downs and although I loved each of the people that have passed away, I still want to live a very long life. 

I will remember their smiles, our talks and most of all 

I love you and I will continue to make you proud, this is for the both of you!! 

Here is to the Winning Life that Continues 


Friday, September 15, 2023

The Next Level

 The Next Level

I have many questions in my head, I can't believe that I am literally starring my ultimate weight loss numbers in my face. 

I went to see my doctor a couple of weeks ago and I was asked that question what is the end game because I weighed in at 219...

What a blessing it is to be able to achieve such a wonderful gift that I have been graciously given. I know that losing weight is hard work and it is a struggle for the strongest person everyday. 

I don't take this lightly because it only takes one thing, to push a person back to were they where at first. 

I can say that I would like to lose 30 more pounds and I will be done and I believe that will put me at 187, but in actuality I'm tall, and I think 20 more to go is more realistic for me. 

Here is to the next level... 

The Winning Life Continues Stronger  

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Over The Top

 Over the Top

My enthusiasm is just over the moon, I received an email this morning from someone who has been following me for a very long time and I was celebrating him for his next level of accomplishment and I couldn't be more proud of him. 

At the end of the text, I closed our conversation by saying to him and saying to you my readers


Many people have sewed seeds of negativity into my life and they sought out to destroy my motivation but I refuse to allow that to happen to me. 

I no longer allow that to happen to me; I do this for me and you can do this for you! 

I might have an attitude now but that is because I know my worth. I might had to eat a lot of things in the past but it made me better prepared for the future that I have now. 

I have even had an intervention with my own family because they couldn't deal with the woman, wife, mother, sister, and friend that I have become and that is okay. They still support me and I'm pleased about it, they help me navigate the others that come after me to tell me what they think although, they are up to NO Good. I think the somewhere I read, that people come to sift you as wheat. 

I command and take control over all things that come to challenge me on this journey, I will continue to win because I will never give up until I've completed this journey.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Congratulations...           Congratulations...         Congratulations...                                

I would like to Thank each of you for the kind words, thoughts and warm wishes as I celebrate this milestone in my weight loss journey. 

I'm overjoyed that I have finally meet the threshold of 110 pounds of being smaller. 

I have come a long way and I couldn't be more proud of myself... 


I'm definitely a new woman, 
I'm not the same

The Old Woman I use to be is no longer, I have the confidence to keep going.
I'm even more closer now to the goal that I set for myself back in 2016 and I will keep posting this blog for myself and others. 

Keep going my beautiful people and friends that have now joined me in this weight loss journey. 

You are next... 


Monday, August 14, 2023

New Leg of the Journey

 Next Leg of the Journey 

I made a promise to myself, and I guess you would like to know what that promise is? 

If I lost 100 pounds that I would do more things to enhance my facial features ...

I have decided to have my eye brows shaded, I have always desired to have pretty eye brows but unfortunately after many waxes, and putting a straight edge to them I believe the wax took the most damage to them. I have tried growing them out to were I looked a hot wooley mess. 
Today, I have taken the leap to doing something about them...
 Numbing that I didn't think I needed because I have have several tattoos and I thought this process was not necessary but I was glad that it was offered... 

Mapping out the brows to get that desired look that you would like to see 

This is the face of success and I love them ... 
I have a little of swelling after this procedure  but this was a great experience I will do it again if needed but I don't believe I will need them ... 

The Winning Life Continues and I'm Winning the Life!!!! 


Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...